We must not search conformity as “normal” but embrace our unique and diverse learning abilities.
Feeling welcome in a situation is about demonstrating an ambiance of inclusion and acceptance.
We offer Multidisciplinary "Train the Trainer" courses to help incorporate best practices in providing concordant services in education and healthcare. This includes identifying needs and evidence-based solutions to improve success for all stakeholders.
Tutoring is an educational service of private instruction that we offer to secondary & university students as well as adults who need to better understand certain subjects, for school, future or current employment.
Specializing in support of neurodiversity, we have vetted and accredited tutors for students with all types of learning challenges, styles and differences.
While tutoring is centered around specific subjects, mentoring is about helping the individual succeed through the improvement of executive function and self-regulation skills. This positive support & coaching service helps the individual become better organized, more self-confident, optimistic, and able to manage their planning and time better in their environment.
Learning a language opens up whole new worlds for students and adults alike. Studying a secondary language to our native one has shown to increase the quality of overall learning, as well as open up opportunities for higher level education, better employability, not to mention travel and exploration. We offer unique, mixed-method language learning with live instruction.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Executive functions are a collection of cognitive abilities and self-regulatory processes that help us achieve goals through problem-solving. Some individuals may have difficulty following multiple tasks, planning several steps ahead to stay organized or self-monitoring to control impulses. These issues can be common with some learning differences associated with autism, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, and neuropsychological disorders. We will work with both adults trying to find ways to better manage their personal and/or work environment, and students in primary, secondary and University settings,
Focusing attention to discern information and then remembering and manipulating working memory.
Determining the order of tasks to complete on-time, and creating strategic approaches.
Managing behavior, attention and emotions and regulate based on knowledge and acceptance of past actions or mistakes.
Courses in various domains, including but not limited to:
Our tutors have experience working with a variety of learning differences and their specific needs including ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism spectrum, and learners living with neuropsychological disorders. Unlike other online educational services, each of our tutors and mentors are vetted for their education and experience with learning challenges and are matched individually and personally with the student.
Hybrid learning, using mixed methods of both instructed and guided self-learning is a key to success, whether for individuals with busy schedules, neurodiversity challenges, or both.
We have designed a platform through which a language learner has the best of both worlds – mobile accessibility for learning on-the-go at their own pace, along with live instruction and interaction for real-life practice and accelerated immersion & contextual learning.
Learning a new language opens up a world of possibilities for career advancement and cultural adventure !
One research analysis from the United Kingdom, acknowledging the cognitive and socio-cultural benefits of bilingualism, explained that additional support for bilingualism among those with neurodiversity challenges, would help to ensure a fundamental human right of language learning both for familial, cultural and professional purposes. (Davis, Fletcher-Wason & Digard, 2021).
Ask us about our unique learning platforms for French, Spanish or English as a second language.
Mentoring Connection Educational Services, Inc.
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