The Mentoring Connection is a USA-based 501c(3) non-profit organization as Mentoring Connection Educational Services, Inc..
We are devoted to the equitable advancement of education, enrichment and life skills for everyone, regardless of age, gender, origin or ability.
We offer interprofessional training, educational tutoring and life mentoring services to organizations and individuals for the benefit of persons with learning challenges (autism spectrum, ADHD, dyslexia, or other neuropsychological disorder) as well as language learning.
All proceeds received from paid tuitions, grants or donations, in excess of instructor and course fees, are used to enhance our enrichment programs and online support community that are open to all students and members.
We are proud to be supporting champions of the National Partnership for Student Success, a public-private partnership committed to providing evidence-based, holistic, people-powered supports to all students so they can achieve their potential.
Your donation will be used for the efforts of the organization, including:
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Mentoring Connection Educational Services, Inc.
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